var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var is_ie = (ua.indexOf("msie") != -1) && document.all && (ua.indexOf("opera") == -1); var LyRatingsCookieName = "LyRatings"; var LyRatingsInfo = []; var cookiesEnabled = true; var lr_results = Array(); var lr_all = Array(); var lr_sso = LR_fetchCookie("MAYA_SSO"); LR_unpackRatings(); function $() { var elements = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { var element = arguments[i]; if (typeof element == 'string') element = document.getElementById(element); if (arguments.length == 1) return element; elements.push(element); } return elements; } // Conditional Include var lr_nostyle; // can be externally defined to suppress style sheet inclusion if( !lr_nostyle ) document.write("
\n"); var LR_cacheBustNum = (new Date).getTime(); function LR_getCacheBust() { return LR_cacheBustNum++; } function LR_contactServer(type,propid,docid,catid,numStars,chksum) { var cur = lr_all[docid]; var url = ''+type+'.php?s='+propid+'&d='+escape(docid)+ '&c='+escape(catid)+'&z='+LR_getCacheBust()+"&MAYA_SSO="+lr_sso; if(numStars) url += '&nv='+cur.numVotes+'&r='+numStars+"&h="+chksum; var script = document.createElement("script"); script.type="text/javascript"; script.src=url; document.getElementsByTagName('head').item(0).appendChild(script); if( is_ie && numStars ) { LR_setAvgRating(docid,Math.round((cur.avgStars*cur.numVotes+numStars)*2/(cur.numVotes+1))/2,cur.numVotes+1); } } var LR_current = null; function LycosRating(docid,numStars,catid,savedText) { = "lyRating_"+LR_varEscape(docid); this.catid = catid; this.numStars = numStars; this.savedText = savedText; this.numVotes = 0; this.avgStars = 0; = (numStars==0 && cookiesEnabled); LR_setCursor(docid,; } function LR_submitRating(propid, docid, numStars, lr, chksum) { LR_contactServer('rate',propid,docid,lr.catid,numStars,chksum); lr.numStars = numStars; lr.savedText = LR_labels[6]; = false; LR_setCursor(docid,; var label = $("lr_label_"+LR_varEscape(docid)); if (label) label.innerHTML = lr.savedText; LR_updateRatingCookie(docid,numStars); } function LR_setCursor( docid, isActive ) { for( var i=1; i<6; i++) { var star = $('s'+i+'_'+LR_varEscape(docid)+'_i'); if (star) = isActive ? "pointer" : "default"; } } function LR_hiliteStars(docid, numStars) { for (i=1;i<6;i++) { type = (i<=numStars) ? 'filled' : 'empty'; var star = $("s"+i+"_"+LR_varEscape(docid)+"_i"); if (star) star.src = ''+type+'_star.gif'; } } function LR_mouseMove(e) { if (e.button == 0 && is_ie && LR_current != null ) LR_mouseBlur(); } function LR_mouseDown(docid, numStars) { var lr = lr_all[docid]; if( ! ) return; LR_current = lr; document.body.parentNode.onmouseup = LR_mouseBlur; LR_hiliteStars(docid, numStars); } function LR_mouseUp(propid, docid, numStars, chksum) { var lr = lr_all[docid]; if( ! ) return; if (LR_current != null && LR_current == lr) { LR_hiliteStars(docid, numStars); LR_submitRating(propid, docid, numStars, lr, chksum); LR_current = null; } } function LR_mouseOver(docid, numStars) { var lr = lr_all[docid]; if( ! ) return; if (LR_current != null) { if (LR_current == lr) LR_hiliteStars(docid, numStars); else return; } else { for(i=1;i<=numStars;i++) { var star = $("s"+i+"_"+LR_varEscape(docid)+"_i"); if (star) star.src = ''; } } var label = $("lr_label_"+LR_varEscape(docid)); if (label) label.innerHTML = LR_labels[numStars]; } function LR_mouseBlur() { LR_current = null; document.body.parentNode.onmouseup = null; } function LR_mouseOut(docid, numStars) { var lr = lr_all[docid]; if( ! ) return; LR_hiliteStars(docid, lr.numStars); var label = $("lr_label_"+LR_varEscape(docid)); if (label) label.innerHTML = lr.savedText; } function LR_getInitNumStars(docid) { return LyRatingsInfo[docid]?LyRatingsInfo[docid]:0; } function LR_updateRatingCookie(docid,numStars) { if( numStars < 1 || numStars > 5 ) return; maxLen = 1000; cookieVal = LR_fetchCookie(LyRatingsCookieName); mark = '|'+escape(docid)+':'; old = cookieVal.indexOf(mark); if(old == -1 ) { if( cookieVal == '|' ) cookieVal = ''; cookieVal += '|' + escape(docid) + ':' + numStars; len = cookieVal.length; if( len > maxLen ) { start = cookieVal.indexOf('|',len-maxLen); cookieVal = cookieVal.substring(start,len); } } else { old += mark.length; cookieVal = cookieVal.substring(0,old) + numStars + cookieVal.substring(old+1,cookieVal.length); } if( cookieVal ) LR_setCookie(LyRatingsCookieName,cookieVal); } function LR_unpackRatings() { LR_labels = ["Select Rating","Poor","Below Avg","Average","Good","Excellent","Rated","Be the first to rate this"]; str = LR_fetchCookie(LyRatingsCookieName); if( str == "" ) { LR_setCookie(LyRatingsCookieName,'|'); cookiesEnabled = ( LR_fetchCookie(LyRatingsCookieName) != "" ); } else { pairs = str.split('|'); for( i=0; i
0 && numVotes>0) { var lr = lr_all[docid]; lr.avgStars = numStars; lr.numVotes = numVotes; var star = $('lr_avg_'+escId+'_i'); if (star) star.src = ''+numStars+'.gif'; star = $('lr_tot_'+escId); if (star) star.innerHTML = '(' + numVotes + ')'; } else if( numVotes==0 ) { var lr = lr_all[docid]; lr.savedText = LR_labels[7]; var label = $('lr_label_'+escId); if (label) label.innerHTML = LR_labels[7]; } } function LR_setCookie(name,val) { var exp = (new Date((new Date()).getTime()+86400000*365)).toGMTString(); var domain = document.domain.replace(/.*(\..*\..*)/, '$1'); document.cookie = name+"="+val+";path=/;domain="+domain+";expires="+exp; document.cookie = name+"="+val+";path=/;;expires="+exp; } function LR_fetchCookie(cookieName) { var all = document.cookie; //var start = all.lastIndexOf( cookieName + "=" ); var start = all.lastIndexOf( cookieName + "=" ); if( start >= 0 ) { start += cookieName.length+1; var end = all.indexOf( ";", start ); if( end > start ) return all.substring( start, end ); else return all.substring( start ); } return ""; } function LR_varEscape(x){ return x.replace(/(\W)/g, function(c){return '$'+c.charCodeAt(0)}); //escape(x); } // draw the LycosRatings widget. // Pass in: propid - ID of the hosting property // docid - ID of the item to be rated // catid - category of the item to be rated // hash - the server-generated verification hash function drawRatingsWidget( propid, docid, catid, hash ) { docid += ''; var escid = LR_varEscape(docid); var htmid = docid.replace(/\'/g, "\\'"); numStars = LR_getInitNumStars( docid ); l = (numStars>0) ? LR_labels[6] : LR_labels[0]; if( !catid ) catid = ''; document.write("
"); for( i=1; i<6; i++ ) { type = (i<=numStars) ? 'filled' : 'empty'; document.write ('
'); } document.write('
' + '
'+ '
'+ '
'); lr_all[docid] = new LycosRating( docid, numStars, catid, l ); LR_contactServer( 'getRating', propid, docid, '', '' ); }